Spiritual and Cultural Activities
Spiritual & Cultural Programmes— Spiritual & cultural activities are the bedrock and inspiration of Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Chapra. Daily Puja (ritual worship) is held for Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, Sri Saradadevi, Swami Vivekananda and Swami Adbhutananda. Holy Prasad is distributed. Besides these the Ashrama conducts special worship on Ekadasi Days in honour of Bhagavan Sri Rama; Bhagavan Sri Krishna on Sri Krishna Janmasthami; Sri Sri Durga (on Mahasthami day), Bhavatarini Ma Kali at Kali Puja, and Lord Jesus Christ on Christmas Eve (By singular coincidence, the Ramakrishna Order of Sannyasins was founded on 24th December 1887). Spiritual Retreats for devotees are conducted periodically during the year. The grandest celebrations at the Ashrama are the birthdays (Janma-tithis) of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swamiji, and also Swami Adbhutananda, when processions is taken out through part of the town. ‘National Youth Day’ in celebrated on 12th January, date of Swami Vivekananda’s birthday in 1863. For National Youth Day a large number of school and college youth take part. Often these celebrations are carried to villages of the district also when rural people have great enjoyment. Guest Swamis of the Ramakrishna Mission often come to conduct the celebrations. Special mention is given for Village Mobile Medical Service and Non-formal education Centres below.
Annual Competitions for school and college students have been a tradition in the Ashrama up to 2008. Usually these popular competitions include Drawing and Painting, Speech-giving & Recitation (in English, Hindi, Sanskrit), Debate and choral Music.
Swamiji urges us to move ahead in the service of God in man (Shiva-Jnane, Jiva Seva). You can enrol your name as a Monthly Supporter or Annual donor. Please do,— Donations are exempt from income tax under section 80(G) of I.T. Act. Remittances may be drawn in favour of Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Chapra.